Memory outside her kitchen in her family home in rural Malawi. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia

Give the future-shaping gift of vocational training

I'd like to make this donation

I would like to give

can provide education to women and girls living in rural areas so that they can learn to read and write.
a month could buy water filters to provide families and students in Malawi with access to clean and safe water.

Other amount

will help vulnerable communities to create a better tomorrow.

Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible

Young women are at risk of a life of poverty

Memory at her technical college near the city of Blantyre where she completed a course in carpentry in Malawi. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia

When Memory was growing up in Malawi, her family lived in extreme poverty – she often walked to school barefooted. A lot of girls from low-income families have no choice but to drop out of school, and the opportunity for vocational training is rare for women. These circumstances threaten a lifetime of poverty – so Memory feared for her future. 

With the help of our partner on the ground, the Catholic Development Commission of Malawi (CADECOM), generous people like YOU gave Memory the gift of vocational training – helping her to create history. She became the first female carpenter from her village.

This is an example of what’s possible, but other women and girls need the same support to lift themselves out of poverty.

Donate now

What is the A+ program? 

Your donations can support programs like the A+ program, shaping futures and changing lives.  

Memory carrying water in her home in rural Malawi. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia

The A+ program supported Memory with tuition and boarding fees to complete her carpentry course with funding from generous donations like yours.

Memory sawing a piece of timber in a workshop. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia

Created to uplift women and girls out of poverty, the program also supports other vocational training such as welding, tailoring and bricklaying.  

Memory with her family on their way to their family farm. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia

Since 2016, the program has supported 33,287 people by improving food security, access to basic water and sanitation, women’s income generation and child protection.   

Where your life-changing, future-shaping donation can go:

Tuition fees for vocational skills such as welding, carpentry, tailoring and bricklaying.

Boarding fees for when the vocational training is far away from home.

Memory (centre) with her parents, Lector and Lute, and siblings in their village in Mwanza district, southern Malawi. Photo: Tim Lam/Caritas Australia

Give young women the opportunity to lift their communities out of poverty

I'd like to make this donation

I would like to give

can provide education to women and girls living in rural areas so that they can learn to read and write.
a month could buy water filters to provide families and students in Malawi with access to clean and safe water.

Other amount

will help vulnerable communities to create a better tomorrow.

Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible

Along with your generous support, this program is also supported by the Australian Government, through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

Your donation will go where it is needed most. You are helping families living in poverty and together, we can transform lives and create a better world for all.